Policies and certifications

Business Policy

To provide logistics services that ensure full satisfaction of our stakeholders, by complying with:

  • Their requirements.
  • Applicable legal and regulatory requirements, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
  • Continuously improving and maintaining the integrity of our processes, promoting safety in technology use, and information security.
  • Prevention of illicit activities, corruption, bribery, money laundering, and any criminal behavior.
  • Environmental protection, prevention of pollution, use of renewable energies, and recycling waste.
  • Corporate social responsibility, operating under safe, healthy, and hazard-free conditions for our collaborators, prohibiting all forms of discrimination, forced and child labor, and managing risk across all activities through consultation and participation, achieving compliance with our environmental objectives and goals.

Improvement and Compliance Management

Our company has an Improvement and Compliance Management department, duly documented and implemented at all levels of the organizational structure. This department encompasses the processes of:

  • Quality
  • Continuous improvement of processes
  • Occupational health and safety and the environment
  • Management of risks and legal requirements

This system has as its fundamental premise the maintenance and continuous improvement of its operation based on four pillars:


Human Resources

Internal Processes


All this in order to meet the expectations of our stakeholders.



Business Alliance for Secure Commerce

Our company has security management and control processes, duly documented and implemented at all levels of the organizational structure that include:

  • Selection Process
  • Evaluation and debugging processes for business associates in general
  • Home visits
  • GPS monitoring of the units of transportation
  • Route audits
  • Physical security management
  • Regulatory inspections


ISO 9001:2015

Continuous improvement and quality management of our processes , thus achieving higher performance and, therefore, greater satisfaction of each of the stakeholders in the company


Authorized Economic Operator

  • Higher levels of trust by the customs authority
  • Fewer delays throughout the operation
  • Higher levels of compliance in merchandise dispatches
  • Greater traceability of the operation
  • Reduction in the number of security incidents
  • Decrease in robberies
  • Development of a safer work environment
  • Greater access to markets
  • Transparent procedures
  • Speed ​​and efficiency in customs clearance
  • Among other benefits

Public Health

Sanitary Registration Certification

Processes enabled for storage and distribution of food and pharmaceutical products.


Safety, Occupational Health and Environment

Conscious of our responsibility, we operate under safe, healthy, and hazard-free conditions for our collaborators, which we achieve by reducing the risks of Occupational Health and Safety with their inquiry and participation.

We have a strong commitment and focus on environmental care which is why we implement sustainability policies and actions aimed at minimizing our impact.

3R's Sustainability

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

It is a distinction received for successfully implementing the 3Rs culture to avoid, reduce and compensate the environmental impacts of its operations.

The basic principles of the 3Rs culture are:

  • Minimize the resources used and reduce the amount of waste generated.
  • Reuse existing resources as many times as possible, before discarding them.
  • Recycle materials that can no longer be reused.